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Monday, August 15, 2016

The Peripatetic Philosopher presents:


The Shattering of Conventional 


© August 15, 2016


Over the past 500 years, or since the shocking discovery of America, man has been at times on a roller coaster climbing slowly, then rapidly descending taking tortuous turns at breathtaking speeds to end up pretty much where he started, emotionally, only to believe because of his “cut & control” progress to be in a different place and space.  He sees what he has gained but not what he has lost. 

Some might say this has been a five hundred year retreat from a God centered to a man centered universe, and with all that man has, and has accomplished, that man finds himself in a place and space not all that reassuring. 

Another metaphor might be that of a locomotive that must first overcome enormous inertia to establish some momentum, but once that is accomplished the momentum builds to acceleration that keeps quickening to become impossible to control.  Nobody minds as they race past landmarks and sacred markings that once were cherished not realizing they are running from themselves as “Nowhere Man” to a place just over the horizon called “Nowhere Land.”

Is it not time that man radically change the way he thinks and thus how he behaves?  Since cell phones, apps and the Internet only continue to reinforce the way man has always thought, is it likely that technology will correct this fault line?

Alas, there has been a maddening drift away from ourselves for the past 500 years, the product of our “cut & control” philosophy of progress.   Perhaps it is time to drop our self-centered narcissism, take a “time out,” and reconnect with our spiritual side.  

NEXT: Nowhere Man in Nowhere Land – PART NINETEEN – The Ghost in the Machine: Pragmatic Science and Self-Indulgent Man!

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