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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Peripatetic Philosopher discusses:

Nowhere Man in Nowhere Land


“Christian Missionaries on the New Frontier!”

© September 7, 2016

Amazon.com Kindle Library


Beginning with Columbus in 1492 and continuing for nearly 350 years, Spain conquered and settled most of South America, the Caribbean, and the American Southwest. Portugal soon followed.

After an initial wave of conquistadors—aided by military advantages and infectious diseases that decimated the native populations— the people of the Americas were defeated. This included the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas. Spain followed by Portugal organized a huge imperial system to exploit the land, labor, and mineral wealth of the New World.

The Spanish Empire became the largest European empire since ancient Rome, as Spain used the wealth of the Americas to finance nearly endless warfare in Europe, protecting the Americas with a vast navy and powerful army and bringing Roman Catholicism through the missionaries to the New World.

While the Spanish conquistadors destroyed the institutions and artifacts of societies in the Americas of more than a thousand years, the “Soldiers of Christ” or Jesuits along with other Christian missionaries, took possession of their souls.

This was aided and abetted by the European diseases that these interlopers brought with them that would act as a powerful complement to the conquistadors march to victory in the New World.

The European West, in this case, the Spanish Armada, with its cultural sophistication, military prowess, and armed with the stanchion of Christianity, considered the only true faith, felt ordained by God to vanquish the infidels of the New World, rid them of their profane customs, primitive culture and pagan gods. Indeed, it was Spain’s manifest destiny to colonize the New World for crown, country and God. Enter the Christian missionaries.


Nowhere Man in Nowhere Land – Part Twenty Two – Medicine Empowered!

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