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Monday, May 01, 2017

The Peripatetic Philosopher issues a new policy:


For the past twenty years, yes, it has been that long (actually 26 years or since I've had my website and formed The Delta Group Florida), I have been publishing 90 percent of my missives gratis and 10 percent on Kindle. This represents over 1,300 missives over that span of years.

That policy will gradually be modified to ultimately be the reverse of this as I find people value my work more when they pay for it (even at only $0.99 for an e-book) than free on my blog by the actual numbers. I am posting this on my blog as well.

The first venture into this new realm will be titled CRUELTY OF ANOTHER KIND and I suspect it will not be more than 20 - 30 pages. Then again, it may be longer or shorter as I am working on it at the moment.

As always, I wish you well in your reading.

A final word. People contact me all the time and wish to publish on my website and blog. l give them all the same advice. Set up your own website; and publish your work as e-books on www.amazon.com's Kindle Self-Publishing Library.

Amazon has found the key to 21st century publishing. As fast as retail outlets of wide reputation across the continent are disappearing (I write on this in CONFIDENCE IN SUBTEXT), I suspect the same will occur with publishing houses.

Everyone is an author! Everyone's life is unique, and high drama.

I salute all who attempt to share their spirit with a wider audience.

To that end, I wish everyone well.

Dr. James R. Fisher, Jr.

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