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Tuesday, July 04, 2017

The Peripatetic Philosopher introduces his new book:


Nearly fifty years ago when I came back from South Africa, only in my mid-thirties, I decided to take a “time out” to assess my life.  It meant leaving my executive position and putting my family in something akin to limbo for the next several years. 

Once back in the United States, I came across British philosopher Alan W. Watts’ book, “The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are” (1966).   

The book was like a life line to a very disturbed young man.  Over the next two years I would read everything he had written up to that time, some twenty books, along with other authors he introduced me to, while attempting to get my legs under me to propel me into the future.

When I was nearly broke, I went back to graduate school for the next six years (year around) in an entirely different field than chemistry and chemical engineering, which was industrial psychology to earn my Ph.D., consulting on the side while writing one book (Confident Selling 1971), which turned out to be a national bestseller.   

Then reentering corporate management in 1980, my writing necessarily took a hiatus until 1990 when I retired for the second time to devote my full time to writing. 

“Confidence” often appears in the title of my works as I’ve learned in retrospect that confidence (or the lack of same) was the driver in my subtext that has allowed me to have the life that I’ve enjoyed.

And so, like “The Book” by author Watts got me back on my feet, I have written this book hoping that some lost or indecisive soul as I once was will pick it up and find his or her legs and be able to move forward and off the dime into the life that he or she deserves.

The ten stages amount to a roadmap to a fulfilling life that is awaiting everyone if they are ready.

James R. Fisher, Jr., Ph.D.


Imagine you have filled all the boxes and completed all the blanks, using your intelligence to pursue an education developing your talent, and launching your career only to find once you have experienced some success that you have run into the wall.  It could be any obstacle that throws you off course such as poor health, a soured relationship, downturn in the economy, collapse of your workplace or any other sundry possible snags that are inevitable in a lifetime of work and living, leaving you however confused as to how to continue.  We have all been there; we have all experienced such disruption, but we have not all dealt with such disturbances as latent opportunities to restart to a more promising future.  That is because we lack a roadmap, a flexible design forward that makes allowances for false steps, surprises, disappointments and setbacks.  "Ten Stages of Confident Thinking" provides a narrative of discrete stages or steps that can assist you in not only getting back on track but leaping over that wall to success to continuing success.   

Paperback: $19.95 -- 348 pages -- schematics & illustrations -- bibliography 

E-book: $9.99 -- www.amazon.com -- Kindle Library 

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