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Sunday, July 08, 2018

The Peripatetic Philosopher announces publication of WHO PUT YOU IN THE CAGE?

Paperback edition, Kindle Library, www.amazon.com, $18.95, 399 pages

Illustrations, schematics, graphs and graphics 
Content is personal and empirical out of the author's life and work 

WHO PUT YOU IN THE CAGE -- 2nd Edition. 

Whether of our own making or not, we all reside in some kind of cage. There is an exit ramp but few acknowledge much less take it. It can be the cage of a bad relationship that we endure as if there is no other option; a mountain of biases that confines us within its walls, refusing to see how they are self-imprisoning; a job we hate in which we feel trapped by its demands; the cage of debt that wreaks havoc with our lives for our lack of prudence; the cage of ill health brought on by eating, drinking, or smoking too much while avoiding exercise; the cage of never being able to say “no” to our children or friends when that would be best for everyone; the failure to cut ties with people who distract us from our purpose; the cage of status and celebrity worship that makes strangers more real to us than family and friends; the assuming of a lifestyle we cannot afford that finds us always anxious and tense.

These are cages with which we are all familiar. Social psychologist James R. Fisher, Jr. penetrates these cages and provides a strategy for acknowledging the cage, then showing us how to extricate ourselves from that confinement. The second edition has been revised, edited and enhanced with illustrations, photographs, graphics, schematics, tables and graphs from the author’s empirical work and personal life for the reader's pleasure.

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