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Wednesday, November 17, 2021



Sire: Learn all you can about the assets and limitations of your subconscious mind. They're impressive in both positive and negative directions. Suspect intuition.

I remember well the 1950s when female "intuition" was placed on the altar of choice-making perfection. JFK relied on Monroe's intuition regarding everybody he was unsure of. In the 1960s scientific study of intuition dispelled that myth and, like prayer, has been relegated to the slow-poison category.

It's easy to detect when someone is coming at you with their intuition. They offer no proof of evidence and it's instant. Intuition clocks in at 28% correct when blind chance sits at 50%. Forewarned is forearmed.


Sir William,

Everything you say may be scientifically correct. And you know I respect that.

In my case, my writing is based on my empirical experience in which life has been my laboratory.

Often, and it is documented in THE FISHER PARADIGM, I have done things, yes, based on my intuition which has proved correct, including marrying BB some 35 years ago despite the difference in our ages. I don't recommend my experience but simply use it as an index that may help someone else. It is the basis of my book CONFIDENCE IN SUBTEXT as well.

I read people not through what they say but what they do. In my work in assessing situations in the complex organization, as an executive and consultant, I often encountered what novelist Don Dilillo calls "White Noise" (1985) which is the noise that constantly distracts us from the reality of the situation being experienced.

As a neophyte chemical sales engineer, I sat for an hour in the central bullpen of a seven-acre Philco plant waiting for the superintendent, noting the chaos around me. Once he arrived, he said, "Sport, what have you got for me? You have five minutes."

Without preamble, only having had a three-week technical training course for Nalco Chemical Company's field operations in Chicago, I said, "I'm here to save your job" (see THE FISHER PARADIGM) and coming from R&D for Standard Brands as a bench chemist, this introvert was in a world of difference.

The sales of a chemical and engineering treatment program became the biggest sale in the Indiana district in years, and I had to have the area manager survey the operation to recommend the right chemicals that Philco should purchase. This is not an isolated case in my long career(s).

Although I am not a devotee of C.J. Jung, there is something to what he says in "Modern Man in Search of Soul"(1933):

It is becoming more and more obvious that it is not starvation, it is not microbes, it is not cancer but man himself who is his greatest danger: because he has no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating in their effect tan the greatest natural catastrophes.

You and I come from distinctly different backgrounds but with similar initial credentials.

Your reality testing and rational judgment are the essences of thinking today from a scientific standpoint. Mine is more intuitive, instinctive, and philosophical and is not very popular with most readers who peruse my writing.

I am not looking for a following. I am just a recorder of one man's experience that no doubt is influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas.

Thank you for the teaching moment.


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